Last week, I wrote about an Oakland cyclist, Brandon Thomas, who was critically injured in a hit-and-run crash on San Pablo near 55th Street. We got an email update on his condition from his mother, Stella Thomas:
Good news about Brandon's condition. Monday they removed all ofthe breathing tubes in his mouth and replaced it with a tracheotomy. They also replaced the feeding tube in his stomach. BUT THE GOOD NEWSIS THIS WEEK THEY TOOK HIM OFF OF THE VENTILATOR AND HE IS BREATHINGCOMPLETELY ON HIS OWN. All of his vital signs appear to be stable. Heopened his eyes about 1-1/2 weeks ago. Still in the coma, so he can'tfocus yet, but I feel it coming!!!!!! I know that we still have very long way to go, but I am grateful for every little positive step that he takes.
Oakland Police Officer Michael Cardoza, whose investigating the case, sent us a brief update on the investigation today:
I've followed up on several leads withlittle success. Several have called in to report similar vehicles. All vehicles I've checked do not pan out. Unfortunately, I've had verylittle assistance with any witnesses who may have seen the accident andjust don't want to do the right thing and call in.
The vehicle is described as a red Toyota pick-up with wooden panels and right bumper and fender damage. Anyone with information should call Cardoza at 510-867-7111.