Our latest call for photos was inspired by the picture at right,
taking by Streetsblog New York's own Ben Fried. It's an all too
familiar scene -- transit riders crammed together, waiting for a bus
(or train) that doesn't come when it's supposed to (if you
missed the story that went with the picture, it's here).
Crowding is just one indignity transit users have to face. Others include
inadequate bus shelters, nonexistent or vandalized seating, blocked
entrances -- you know the stuff.
Send us your pictures of
crummy transit service and infrastructure where you live and we'll put
together a new slide show. You can e-mail JPEGs to me at sarah [at]
streetsblog [dot] org, or tag them with "streetsblog" and "transitfail"
in Flickr. Get your submissions in by next Thursday.
Our past slide shows have been on bike traffic, space hogs and work bikes. Check them out if you haven't already.