From Streetsblog contributor Janel Sterbentz:
On January 27, the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) will vote on a bridgetoll increase that has the potential to complete the multi-modalpathway from the East Bay to San Francisco.
Now is the timefor you to come to the meeting to support the West Span BicyclePedestrian Maintenance Pathway. If you can't make it to the meetingwrite your representatives today and tell them to make the Bay Bridgethe world-class structure it should be - one that offers access for alltypes of users to the entire Bay Bridge, not just half of it.
Please arrive by 9am as the room may fill by 9:30. Fillout a speaker card and hold a sign/banner. We will have talking pointsfor you as a handout. We need you to speak to how important thisfacility is to you and to all. You may hear objections that they lackthe power to fund the path now: a process is underway to clarify thisand restore their power if need be. We want them to take the strongestaction possible to ensure the West Span path opens with the East Span,for shore-to-shore access.