- Controller's Report Claims SF Streets and Sidewalks are Getting Cleaner (City Insider)
- SFMTA Committee Approves Parklets in Noe Valley and North Beach (SF Examiner)
- Transbay Blog Urges a Vote for Bert Hill and Robert Raburn For BART Board
- Plan to Give SFMTA World Series Tickets to Executive Staff Nixed (City Insider)
- Rangers' Home, Arlington, "Largest U.S. City Without Public Transit" (SF Weekly)
- Bay Area Winning Another Showdown Against Texas: The Fight Over Prop 23 (Andrew Ross)
- Seattle Times: "Politics, Friction Reshape Influential Cascade Bicycle Club"
- Portland Study: Separated Bikeways Improve Air Quality for Bicyclists (Bike Portland)
- "Eye on the Bay" Focuses on Bicycling, Features Velo Vogue, SFBC, Scraper Bike Movement (CBS5)
- LA MTA Board Chooses Wilshire Route for Subway Extension (LAT)
- Marin County Wins MTC Grant to Promote Safer Walking and Biking to School (Marin IJ)
- Parking Lot Under Highway 101 in Santa Rosa Reopened (Press Democrat)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill