Of note:
CC. RESCIND – BICYCLE LANE – Ocean Avenue, eastbound, from Lee Avenue to Geneva Ave.
11. Approving making Hayes Street a two-way street between Van Ness Avenue and Gough Street and making Fell Street a two-way street between Van Ness Avenue and Franklin Street and approving the associated parking and traffic changes, making findings that the Final Environmental Impact Report is adequate for its use as the decision-making body for approving parking and traffic changes, and adopting and incorporating by reference Planning Commission Motion No. 17407. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Bond Yee)
15. Endorsing the San Francisco Better Streets Plan to guide staff in all decisions regarding the planning, design, use, and management of streets, consistent with all applicable local, state and federal statutes and regulations. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, exec. summary and plan.) (Bond Yee)