Turn pain into power: A rally for bicycle safety
Adrian Burgueño's bicycle advocacy and legacy will continue to live through us and we will be his voice to raise awareness on bicycle safety. Heading home from school after his evening class about one year from today, taking all the safety measures a cyclist can take, riding on an extremely dangerous bike path on campus, his beautiful young life was cut short. He would be 22.
There will be a peaceful rally to commemorate Adrian's passing this week. Let's all gather to raise awareness and speak upon the dangers of this bicycle path. As an activist he was, he would be among the first to organize and participate for such event.
This will take place on the UCSC campus At the beginning of the Great Meadow pathway, near the recital hall, this Friday, February 10th at noon.
If you or someone you know in the Santa Cruz area has experienced the dangers of this path, message this page directly. Pass the word, share this event's info and please join us for this rally.