Don’t ride blindly through the Wiggle! Come explore its political and physical history with Thinkwalks.
The Lower Haight neighborhood is known to cyclists as The Wiggle, a hill-avoidance bike route that inspires passion.
Recent research has shown that it’s also the cradle of San Francisco. On this walking tour for anyone, bicyclist or not, you’ll learn about SF’s earliest moments, when Captain Anza stood on the banks of a now-nameless waterway and declared, “Um, how about putting it here?”
We’ll talk creeks and native villages. We’ll uncover secrets of the Duboce mural. (Did you know that the mural is secretly a map?) This walk is a wide look at local geology: where creeks and dunes were and why, where they went, and what about those bedrock hills that have simply disappeared? Were they washed away by the giant floods?
Since it’s a highly active bicycle route, we’ll talk bike politics, street design and street history, including the various freeway proposals and citizen revolts.
No matter how much or how little you already know about San Francisco, you’ll find yourself looking at things a new way after this walk.
Rain doesn’t necessarily cancel. Check here to see exact weather by the minute as it approaches!
Feel free to call if you have questions.
RSVPs welcome but not required. Snacks will be provided.
Joel at Thinkwalks