From VTA:
VTA is holding public meetings to listen and share information in regards to Valley Transportation Plan 2040. These meetings will have the same format and content.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Presentation begins at 4:15 p.m.)
Mountain View Public Library
585 Franklin Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
This location is served by VTA bus lines: 22, 35, or 522.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (Presentation begins at 5:45 p.m.)
City of Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center
17000 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
This location is served by VTA bus line 68.
Monday, March 25, 2013
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (Presentation begins at 5:45 p.m.)
Mayfair Community Center
2039 Kammerer Ave. San Jose, CA 95116
This location is served by VTA Bus Lines 22, 23, 70, 77, 522
The Valley Transportation Plan 2040 (VTP 2040) is the countywide long-range transportation plan for Santa Clara County. As the Congestion Management Agency (CMA) for the county, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) periodically updates this 25-year plan.
VTP 2040 provides a planning and policy framework for developing and delivering future transportation projects. Location-specific improvements for all modes of travel are covered in three major program areas: Highways, Local System, and Transit. The Highways Program includes major freeway improvements, local freeway interchanges, and Express Lanes. The Local System includes local roadway improvements, Expressway improvements, Pedestrian and Bicycle projects, and technology-related projects. The Transit Program includes projects related to Transit Efficiency and new Transit Improvements. Additional program areas that do not include specific projects: Pavement Management and the Community Design and Transportation Program. The Plan also identifies transportation needs through a systematic approach based on input from local jurisdictions, elected officials and the community. Updated project list
The public is invited to attend public meetings in March 2013 to review the draft document, which include an updated list of transportation proposals, and provide comments. The feedback we receive will then be contained in the VTP 2040 document that will be adopted in May 2013. These public meetings will provide an opportunity for the general public to learn more about Santa Clara County’s transportation needs and planning process. Members of the public will be able to provide input and feedback to help shape the preparation of the final VTP document. Contact VTA to comment.
Valley Transportation Plan 2040 and Sustainable Communities Strategies
For the first time the regional transportation planning process will tie together regional housing needs allocation (RHNA) and regional transportation planning in an effort reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with Senate Bill 375. This legislation requires the region to prepare a Sustainable Communities Strategy as part of its Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), prepared by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Bay Area region, to meet greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets set for the years 2020 and 2035.
VTA will proactively work with local jurisdictions and the public to develop input that combines both broad land use objectives with transportation policies and projects in its long-range transportation planning efforts. The current plan update will also coordinate program elements associated with the regional Sustainable Communities Strategy process developed as part of the RTP.
VTP 2040 documents available for download
- VTP 2040 Fact Sheet (English) (PDF 427KB)
- VTP 2040 Fact Sheet (Spanish) (PDF 427KB)
- Introduction to VTP & RTP Powerpoint (PDF 129 KB)
- Process Map for Development of VTP 2040(PDF 75 KB)
- Initial Vision Scenario (PDF 4.6 MB)
- SB 375 Fact Sheet (PDF 43KB)
- Priority Development Areas Table (PDF 153KB)
How to Get Involved
We encourage you to get involved in the planning process by joining us in the development of VTP 2040. Here are some ways to get involved:
- Call VTA's Community Outreach Department at (408) 321-7575, TTY for the hearing-impaired at (408) 321-2330 for more information or translated materials.
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter
- Subscribe to the pages of the VTP website that interest you the most by clicking the blue envelope at the top of the page
- Email us your comments or questions at Attend public meetings. To be notified of upcoming meetings, subscribe to the Outreach page for VTP 2040 by clicking on the blue envelope at the top of the page
- Invite us to present VTP information at your meetings
Individuals who require language translation, American Sign Language, or documents in accessible formats are requested to contact VTA Community Outreach at 408-321-7575 / 408-321-2330 TTY.