From SFBC:
San Francisco loves biking and one of the most fun and rewarding days to bike is the annual Bike to Work Day Celebration. Join the SF Bicycle Coalition and hundreds of thousands of lawyers, nurses, teachers, waiters and others who will be biking to work on this great day. Energizer Stations will be set up in neighborhoods across the city to offer free coffee, snacks and other goodies and mechanics.
For biking resources and a list of all the fun events of the day visit
Press Event:
Join Mayor Ed Lee, San Francisco Supervisors, civic and business leaders and your neighbors for the 2013 Bike to Work Day Press Event. Ride in one of the commuter convoys from every district in San Francisco or come to City Hall at 8:30am for this yearly milestone.
Thu., May. 9 | 8:30am (valet open 7:30-10am) | City Hall, Polk Street