Think the inside of a transit station is a completely inappropriate place to store automobiles? BART begs to differ.
BART is officially allowing its station agents to store their personal cars inside MacArthur Station in Oakland. You can't make this stuff up.
Daniel Diiullio tweeted two photos of cars parked right next to the agent booth and inside the bike parking area yesterday morning. When asked about these oddly-placed autos, BART spokesperson Luna Salaver said the agency is totally fine with it because some employee parking spaces have been removed by an adjacent housing construction project:
For this reason Station Agent parking is and will be a real problem there because of the ongoing work. As long as their designated parking spaces are obstructed and cannot be used, Station Agents will be allowed to park on the plaza (when they can safely do so). Their personal safety is the primary reason for this temporary parking situation. Because they are responsible for opening and closing the station in the wee hours of the morning, we want them to have safe access to their cars. We appreciate our customers' understanding in this situation!
So there you have it -- when reserved parking spots aren't available, the only option is to put cars in the space for people and bikes. Problem solved.