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Silicon Valley Bike Summit

From TransForm:

Please join Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and Stanford Healthcare for an in-depth discussion of the ways governments, law enforcement, and advocates can work together in creating a safe, welcoming environment for people on bikes.

The two featured speakers are:

Mark Fenton is a national public health, planning, and transportation consultant, an adjunct associate professor at Tufts University's Friedman School or Nutrition Science and Policy, and former host of the "America's Walking" series on PBS television. He is the author or numerous books including the best-selling "Complete Guide to Walking for Health, Weightloss, and Fitness" (Lyons Press, 2nd edition 2008). Mark is a vocal advocate for non-motorized transportation, a frequent consultant on bicycle and pedestrian community plans, and recognized authority on public health issues and the need for community, environmental, and public-policy initiatives to encourage more walking, bicyling, and transit use.

Mia Kohout is the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Momentum Mag, an independent media company that celebrates the growing transportation cycling movement in North America, with an emphasis on women and families.  She encourages more people to ride bikes by showcasing cycling as an easy, fun, sexy, smart and efficient way to get around. Mia is also the founder of Bike to Work Week in Metro Vancouver, where in its inaugural year in 2007 more than 1,000 new cyclists participated, of which more than 50% were women.

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