By now you’ve gotten at least a dozen emails about #GivingTuesday asking you to donate to an important and worthy nonprofit. This year, of all years, there are a lot of great causes to support.
And I hope that you believe supporting Streetsblog is one of those causes.
Today, throughout California, staff are working on stories and podcasts to cover and explain issues both locally and statewide. Our talented and devoted team has broken news, framed stories, broadened conversations, and played a crucial role in creating safer, more attractive and more equitable cities.
In San Francisco, Roger Rudick hit the ground running during his first full year at the helm of Streetsblog San Francisco. Roger has proven himself as a talented reporter and unbiased watchdog finding the balance to praise government agencies when they deserve it, criticize them when they don’t, and put individual projects into a larger framework to explain why things happen the way they do happen.
At Streetsblog California, Melanie Curry has been covering issues around the state including local stories on the many transportation sales tax proposals on the ballot throughout the state, the ongoing attempts to modernize Caltrans, and how the legislative agenda can be set by local issues. At the same time, we've begun to add regular local coverage of the Central Valley and Orange County, two often neglected areas that have a lot going on.
In Los Angeles, Joe Linton and Sahra Sulaiman continued to be an amazing reporting team. Streetsblog Los Angeles was named the Best Blog in Los Angeles for the third year in a row by the Los Angeles Press Club. While Joe sets the editorial schedule and writes daily on the goings on in the city, Sahra works on deep dives such as her recent piece on the REEF Project in South Los Angeles.
All of these publications are nonprofits and rely on reader donations to keep going.
If you value the news, analysis, broadcasts, and event programming of Streetsblog California, Streetsblog Los Angeles, Streetsblog San Francisco, LongBeachize and Santa Monica Next, then please consider making a donation today, right now. You can make your donations here: