Here are this week’s highlights from the Streetsblog calendar:
- Tuesday today! Why Does Housing Cost So Much? In 2014, The Urbanist ran an article titled “The Real Cost of Building Housing,” which looked at the exorbitant cost of construction in San Francisco. Over the past three years, these costs have continued to escalate. Join SPUR's panel to hear how the situation has evolved and how it impacts efforts to address our housing shortage. Tuesday, today! May 30, 12:30, SPUR Urban Center, 654 Mission Street, SF.
- Tuesday tonight! Caltrans Bike Plan Workshop. Join Caltrans District 4 for a community workshop to share your ideas on how to improve bicycle safety and mobility in the Bay Area. Your input will help shape future Caltrans improvements for bicycling in your community. This Plan aims to create a more connected, comfortable, and safer bicycle network for the Bay Area. Share your ideas. Tuesday, May 30, tonight! 6–8 p.m., Berryessa Community Center, 3050 Berryessa Road, San Jose. Part of this meeting will also be livestreamed through Facebook.
- Thursday SoMa Committee of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Design Review. SFBC's SoMa Member Committee meets every month to talk through the latest street projects in SoMa and strategize how they can hold the City accountable in delivering bike projects. At this meeting they will review and talk through the new designs for Folsom and Howard streets. Thursday, June 1, 6-7:30 p.m., Public Architecture, 1211 Folsom Street, S.F. RSVP
- Friday Women Bike SF June Coffee Club. Once a month, an informal gathering of women, trans* and femme-identified folks meet to talk about bicycling in the city, share tips and caffeinate together. If you’re new to riding or interested but haven’t gotten rolling yet, this is a perfect place to find riding buddies and answer some of your questions about biking in SF. Friday, June 2, 8-9 a.m., Cafe La Flore, 1340 Irving St., SF.
- Friday Coffee With a Wonk: Christine Johnson. Got ideas or questions about your city? Thoughts on transportation or affordable housing? An interest in zoning or an obsession with BRT? Come to SPUR’s St. Clare café to discuss policy and planning with a thinkers and planners. Friday, June 2, 9 a.m. SPUR Urban Center, 654 Mission Street, SF.
- Saturday Spring Ride: Pleasant Hill BART to Davis. This Bike East Bay ride will be 73 miles with 1,800 feet of climbing starting at Pleasant Hill BART. They'll head out over the Benicia-Martinez bridge and then take frontage roads, stopping for a rest and snack in Cordelia at mile 25. They ride will continue climbing country roads past Fairfield and Vacaville, then head down to Winters for a late lunch at mile 55. They finish up in Davis and take Amtrak back to the Bay. Saturday, June 3, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m., starts at 1365 Treat Blvd, Pleasant Hill BART Station, Walnut Creek. Sign up here.
- Sunday Interfaith Bike Ride. Join the SF Bicycle Coalition for its 3rd Annual Interfaith Bike Ride. This year’s ride begins at the Peace Pagoda in Japantown and includes stops at four congregations located on the western side of San Francisco (SF Buddhist Church, First AME Zion, Temple Emanu-El, and Holy Virgin Cathedral). The ride will conclude in Golden Gate Park and will include stops at sanctuary spaces. Come learn about some of San Francisco’s historic faith communities. This ride is open to all ages but may include some hills and busy streets. Sunday, June 4, 1–4 p.m.. Limited to 20 riders – RSVP here.
Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.