- S.F. Fights for Funds in Washington (SFChron)
- More on VTA Workers Plan to Strike (SFChron, CBSNews)
- Daylighting in Foster City (SMDailyJournal)
- Q&A with Scott Wiener (MissionLocal)
- Marin Transit Bus Lot (MarinIJ)
- Strava Moves into Downtown Skyscraper (SFGate, SFStandard)
- Lawsuit Over 'Jaywalking' Arrest (SFStandard)
- Permeable Pavement Project Abandoned in Mission (MissionLocal)
- New Housing in Visitacion Valley (SFChron)
- Car Dealership Came out of Nowhere, Wasn't Wearing Hi-Vis (SFGate)
- Commentary: The Presidio is the Antithesis of Trumpism (SFChron)
- Commentary: Berkeley Streets are Too Dangerous (Berkeleyside)
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