Roger Rudick
Alameda Installing Unprotected Bike Lanes on Park and Webster
How many Tess Rothsteins and Maia Correias have to die in dooring crashes before Bay Area cities stop accepting door-side lanes as an acceptable solution under any circumstances?
Advocate Writes Perfect Response to Chron’s Vision Zero ‘What about the Seniors!’ Article
Fran Taylor, a senior, responds to Chron article lamenting the discomfort of older drivers
Free Transit Transfers and Clipper II Rollout Delayed Indefinitely
The Bay Area was supposed to modernize fare collection this summer, with free transfers, direct payment, and more. But all that's now on hold
Mayor Breed Promises Protected Bike Lanes for Street in Front of City Hall
"Even if some supervisors have to give up their parking spaces," she said at a "Bike to Wherever Day" event
Midweek Call to Action: Stop More Freeway Widening, Stop Cuts to Bike/Walk Projects
The Oakland Alameda "Access" Project, the Gilman Interchange, the Yolo Causeway—why is there always money for car infrastructure, but the pittance allotted to bike and walk projects is the first to get cut?
Eyes on the Street: New Gilman/I-80 Overpass is Open
Welcome to West Berkeley's newest and sweetest connection to the shoreline and the Bay Trail
Little ‘Radical’ Cyclists Invade Oakland
Some Oakland motorists may have been slightly delayed Saturday by hordes of children having fun biking around Lake Merritt
West Portal Committee Members Named
The committee is comprised mostly of the same merchants who have prevented Muni and safety improvements all along
Eyes on the Street: Western Alameda Bike Lane Nirvana is Spreading
This stuff is seriously good