First session: Responding to the Context: State LegislationSB 375 and Sustainable Community Strategies
Whether professional planners, community groups, or activist citizens, we all work to create change within the legislative framework. Absent national policy, even something as weak as ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, these laws and policies are primarily at the state level. SB 375 holds tremendous promise for catalyzing climate-friendly communities. This session will discuss what it take to create a strong sustainable communities strategy for the Bay Area and ensue that plan becomes a reality on the ground. We will learn the “6 P’s” of a sustainable community strategy. Other legislation and standards such as the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) and the CPUC’s Renewable Portfolio Standard and BAAQMD’S proposed Indirect Source Rule will also be explained and analyzed for our use. With Jeff Tumlin, NelsonNygaard and Stephanie Reyes, Greenbelt Alliance and Bruce Riordan, Joint Policy Committee.
About the SPUR Citizen Planning Institute Series:
Five weekly sessions starting July 9 at 4 p.m.
"As individuals, institutions and governments struggle with the implications of global warming and climate change, we are faced with a dizzying array of possible actions. Continuing to make smart personal and political choices is essential to try and stave off the worst disasters of global warming. But something much bigger needs to happen—a change in the course of business as usual. In this first series of new informative programs at the new SPUR Urban Center, we will focus on what we can do at the community level, from the perspective of good government and good planning, to reduce CO2 emissions. Responding to the legislative context, we will focusing on greener buildings, smarter land use, more efficient transportation and market responses.
This five-part summer series is coordinated by Jeff Tumlin of NelsonNygaard Consulting Associates, Stephanie Reyes, policy director at Greenbelt Alliance and Jim Chappell, director of the Citizen Planning Institute at SPUR."