As one of the commenters on Flickr pointed out, I love the juxtaposition of the blue cab in the background and the blue frame of the bike. Also love the purple rims and purple shirt. Flickr photo: exuberance//
Thanks to all of you wonderful photographers who tag your photos and videos in our Flickr pool. Because you rock so hard, we wanted to highlight your work in a weekly Eyes on the Street feature. Be sure to send us more and we might see you on the blog!
Hit and Run Hula doing their thing at the 17th Street and Market Plaza. Flickr photo: Steve Rhodes
Flickr photo: Steve Rhodes
Flickr photo: kempo101
"This is a picture of my Grandfather Stanley L. Jensen (left) and Great Uncle Al (right) in downtown San Francisco back in 1942. The photo was taken on Market Street, between 6th Street and the intersection where Mason and Turk Streets meet. You can see the historic Esquire Theatre in the background." More of the great story and the photo by Travis Jensen here.
Flickr photo: meligrosa
Beautiful new bike racks at the Academy of Sciences. Ah, dang, Rob, couldn't stop these from going in huh? Look at the bike fanatics in this shot! Flickr photo: busbozo