- More on the Release of the SFMTA Audit from Beyond Chron, SF Gate, ABC7
- SFBG Editorial: Muni Reform Cannot Be a Piecemeal Approach
- Great Piece from the Guardian on Reclaiming SF Streets and How to Pay For It (SFBG)
- Drilling Behind Schedule for Central Subway Project (SF Examiner)
- SF Supes Approve Deferred Fees for Developers (SF Examiner)
- Caltrain CEO: "We are at a Critical Crossroads on a National Level" (The Almanac)
- Seattle Mayor, Advocates Launch Campaign to Get People Out of Their Cars (Seattle PI)
- Cameras That Prevent Crashes: Bad; Cams That Help Motorists After Crashes: Good (SPTimes)
- Next-Gen Transit Tech: Subway Platform Displays Show How Crowded EachCar Is (Gizmodo)
- BIKE NOPA Series on Women Who Ride Bikes: "I'm Happiest When I'm Riding my Bike"
- Bike-In Movies Tonight at the Disposable Film Festival (SF360)
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