- In Wake of Operator Vote, Muni Cuts Won't Be Rolled Back This Year (SF Examiner, City Insider, KCBS)
- AC Transit Asks for $15 Million in Concessions from Its Operators (Bay Citizen)
- ABC7 Reports on Thieves Who are Running Shell Games on Some Muni Buses
- Mayor Newsom to Unveil Sit/Lie Ballot Measure Before Board of Supes (SF Examiner, The Snitch)
- Ohio Tourists Killed in Fiery Taxi Crash; Brakes Reportedly Failed (ABC7, SF Gate, SF Examiner)
- The Examiner Reports on Buffered Bike Lane Pilot Coming to Golden Gate Park
- New Larkspur Bridge Will Allow Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Over SirFrancis Drake Blvd. (Marin IJ)
- Study: SB375 Will Accommodate Growth That is "Environmentally and Economically Sound" (LAT)
- Measure to Raise Vehicle Fees for Transit Projects in Sonoma County Ok'd for Ballot (Press Democrat)
- Santa Rosa Students Get Lesson on How to Ride Their Public Transit System (Santa Rosa City Bus)
- Republicans Attack Safe Routes to Schools Program as "Wasteful Spending" (Bike Portland)
- Who Will Pay for the Gulf Disaster? Not Consumers of Gasoline (WaPo)
- Two Decades After Valdez, Feds and Drillers CompletelyUnprepared for Next Big Spill (NYT)
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