From East Bay Bike Party:
Yarrrgh Mateys! Time to swab the decks and prepare yerselves fer the next vagabond adventure on the high seas… What’s that mateys? Two Wheels ye say? Well. Shiver me timbers. Must be time fer the next Bike Parrrrty! Dust off your best sailing finery for the sweet breezes of San Leandro, where the air smells of brownies and the good clean sea. We’re heading into uncharted territory on this ride. San Leandro has surely never seen the likes of a two wheeled pirate parrrrty before. Bring your best sea shanty singing voices, and let’s show these landroving lubbers how fun two wheels can be! We’ll be meeting at San Leandro BART at 7:30 and setting sail at 8:00 sharp. Remember to bring your lights and helmets, because even Pirates need to be able to see the sea beasts in the dark and protect their noggins from falls off the mast.