From Transform:
(This workshop will focus on the area from 51st Avenue to Durant Ave.)
The City of Oakland has received a $245,000 grant from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant program, to prepare a plan that explores opportunities for developing Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs) at select locations along International Boulevard.
The International Boulevard TOD Plan will evaluate the following areas (nodes) within the city’s San Antonio, Fruitvale, Central East and Elmhurst districts:
- San Antonio node (International Boulevard between 14th and 19th Avenues)
- Fruitvale/International node (International Boulevard between 23rd and 42nd Avenues)
- Havenscourt-Lockwood node (International Boulevard between 57th and 61st Avenues)
- Hegenberger/73rd node (International Boulevard between 71st and 77th Avenues)
- Elmhurst node (International Boulevard between 89th and 101st Avenues)
- Elmhurst South node (International Boulevard between 102nd and Durant Avenues)
These areas will be examined for opportunities where transportation, land use controls and other improvements could be installed to create TOD development projects.