Of note:
6. 110338 [Accept and Expend Grant - Palace of Fine Arts Parking Mitigation Project
- Not to Exceed $1,000,000]
Sponsor: Farrell
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department to
retroactively accept and expend a grant administered by the San Francisco County
Transportation Authority in the amount not to exceed $1,000,000 for the Palace of Fine
Arts Parking Mitigation Project
7. 110091 [Hearing - Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee's 2010 Report]
Sponsors: Mar; Chiu
Hearing to discuss the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee's 2010 Report and pedestrian safety issues.
9. 110242 [Hearing - Transit Effectiveness Project]
Sponsor: Avalos
Hearing to receive an overview from the Controller's Office on the Municipal Transportation Authority's Transit Effectiveness Project and an update on status