- SFMTA Pays Record $5.4 Million to Bicyclist Hit by Muni Bus (City Insider, SF Exam)
- Mayor Lee on SFMTA Chief: "I Would Never Want That Job" (City Insider)
- Transit Workers Accused of Stealing $40k from Caltrain Ticket Machines (SF Gate)
- SFPD Showing Resistance to 6th St. Substation, According to Chuck Nevius
- San Jose City Council Approves Parking Rate Hikes for Downtown Garages (Mercury News)
- Mill Vally Will Raise the Price of Downtown Parking Stickers (Marin IJ)
- Crash Closes Valencia Street at 19th; Three Cars Involved (BCN via SF Examiner)
- MTC Report Grades Pavement Conditions on Bay Area Streets (SF Examiner)
- Demand for Rental Housing Grows in San Mateo County (SF Examiner)
- L.A. Mayor Pushes Sen. Boxer for Safe Routes to Schools Funds (Safe Routes to School)
- L.A .City Council "Hopelessly Deadlocked" Over Red-Light Cams (LAT)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill