From EBBC:
WOPAC meeting on December 7th to discuss and decide upon what the first phase of both the MLK and Peralta Streetscape projects will be. Please mark your calendars. Agenda info to follow the week before the meeting.
Wednesday, Dec 7, 2011
6:30-9:00pm, or until adjourned
West Oakland Senior Center
1724 Adeline Street, 2nd Floor
For more information, contact:
M. Sunny Nguyen
City of Oakland, CEDA - Redevelopment Division
250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 5313
Oakland, CA 94612
tel: (510) 238-6705 fax: (510) 238-3691
An update on the City of Oakland's progress for the Peralta/Martin Luther King Jr Streetscape Master Plan design. As most of you may recall, we held two public workshops on this project, one for MLK in April and one for Peralta in May. Since that time, the Agency, along with Gates & Associates, our landscape architect designer for this project, has been working with our Technical Advisory Committee and our Core Committee Group (consisting of four West Oakland Project Area Committee board members) to develop an initial design for both streets that reflects the comments we heard from the workshops. Though these designs are in draft form and may need to be refined, we sincerely hope that the overall design vision echoes your sentiments from the workshops!
To download the Draft Master Plans for Peralta and MLK, please see:
As a reminder, we are currently focused on developing two items. One is a Master Plan document which will be the roadmap for what both streets can look like for the years to come. Because these are very long streets, staff is also currently working with the Core Committee Group to determine project phasing as part of this Master Plan. The second item is the development of a “Phase I” set of construction documents. Compared to the Master Plan document, which is meant to provide a high-level schematic overview of the streets, it is during the development of these construction documents where much of the highly technical work is performed.
It is important to emphasize that the Master Plan represents the vision of the community, whereas the development of construction documents will be the actual realization of that design, after it has gone through the myriad of technical and public approvals that are required for any City project. As an example, some key elements of our project, including the development of roundabouts and proposed bus stop relocations, must be fully vetted by City staff, AC Transit, and affected property owners before they can come to fruition. That said, the Agency will do everything in our power to ensure that the overall design remains true to your vision.
A couple items of importance:
(1) The Draft Streetscape Master Plan will be presented at the following public meeting next week. We encourage anyone who is interested to attend:
WOPAC Committee of the Whole Meeting
Wednesday, November 7, 2011
6:30-9:00 pm (this presentation should start between 6:30 and 7pm)
West Oakland Senior Center
1724 Adeline Street
Oakland, Ca
(2) Please feel free to access and download information related to this project on our West Oakland Redevelopment website, at:
(3) Last, the Final Master Plan will be scheduled for WOPAC approval next February. You are all invited to attend:
WOPAC General Meeting
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
6:30-9:00 pm
West Oakland Senior Center
1724 Adeline Street