Speaking of extending parking meter hours...
In the New York Times today, Michael Cooper and Jo Craven McGinty examine how SFPark's parking price adjustments have affected San Francisco streets so far:
It is too early to tell whether the program is working over all, but an analysis of city parking data by The New York Times found signs that the new rates are having the desired effect in some areas. While only a third of the blocks in the program have hit their targeted occupancy rates in any given month since the program began, the analysis found, three-quarters of the blocks either hit their targets or moved closer to the goal. The program is a bit more successful on weekdays.
Cities around the country continue to set their sights on SFPark, eager to see what conclusions come out of the groundbreaking parking management program.
Assuming the early indications hold up and Donald Shoup's theory is borne out in practice, cities plagued by cruising traffic will find SFPark's data incredibly valuable in emulating San Francisco's success. Unfortunately, the nation's leader in parking innovation has a dirty little secret: it still doesn't allow SFPark to operate on Sundays or evenings, and until it does, there will be a major gap in the data.