You are invited to a day of sport and an evening of disporting.
Bicycle Sprints around Lake Merritt
12 – 3pm
Race, bet and view from the southeastern side of the lake. Yes! You should race! Especially ladies! Yes! Wear a costume! Because what else advertises your cycling prowess than your best pair of spangly tights and wearing your wonderwoman underwear on the outside. Get the deets!

Prizes and After Party at Montecito x Parkview Terrace, Oakland
5 -10pm
Bring $10 in hand and we will replace it with raffle prizes, live music, Oakland home brew & all the veggie chili posole you can eat. We have taken the liberty of filling your dancecard with handsome ladies and gorgeous gents.
All proceeds (after we pay the band and other effects) will be donated to the East Bay Bike Coalition. Because who else does more to make biking awesome here in our little patch of paradise.