- With 10 Deaths So Far in 2012, SF Ped Fatalities on Pace to Surpass Last Year's (Bay Citizen)
- Bryant Street Streetscape Plan Approved at SFMTA Hearing (Mission Local)
- When Do Muni Riders Have the Right to Leave a Stalled Train? (SF Weekly)
- BART Board Has Until Aug 20 to Fill Vacant East Bay Seat (SF Examiner)
- The Bureaucracy of Why Serving Alcohol is Illegal at Parklets (Uppercasing)
- SFTRU Asks Transit Riders to "Rep’ Your Line"
- USF Students Propose Education Center and Amphitheater Above Caltrain Tunnel (Grist)
- Interactive Ad Turns Muni Shelter Into "Virtual Aquarium" (Muni Diaries)
- San Mateo's "Tour de Peninsula" a Fundraiser for Parks, Car-Free Events (Cyclelicious)
- Union City to Host Transpo Sales Tax Forum (CoCo Times)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill