From WalkSF:
14 miles. 10 peaks.
This is not your ordinary walk in the park.
See the city like never before! On Peak2Peak, you’ll discover hidden stairways and explore new paths while supporting Walk SF’s work to make San Francisco a safer, more pleasant place for you to walk every day. REGISTER TODAY
The route: The 8th annual Peak2Peak walk begins in the heart of the Mission, climbs stairways, trails and quiet streets through Bernal and Glen Park and up Glen Canyon to follow the high spine of the city.
After a delicious picnic lunch served in a meadow in Golden Gate Park, it’s on through the Sunset to Land’s End. Finally we’ll celebrate over well-earned beers at the Park Chalet across from Ocean Beach.
This guided full-day walk offers you a whole new way to experience San Francisco. REGISTER TODAY