This week, an appeal against pedestrian and bikeway upgrades on Fell and Oak Streets goes before the Board of Supervisors, the SFBC and the Planning Department talk green streets, and Oakland hosts a community meeting on the Lake Merritt Station Area Plan.
Here are all the highlights from the Streetsblog calendar:
- Tuesday: SF Board of Supervisors Meeting. The board is set to hear an appeal, filed by a few vociferous opponents, against the Fell and Oak protected bike lanes and pedestrian safety upgrades. Speak up at the hearing or write your supervisor to show your support and let them know that more delays on this broadly supported project are unacceptable. Meeting begins at 2 p.m., hearing scheduled for 4 p.m.
- Also Tuesday: SF Bicycle Coalition and Green Connections Discussion. Join the SFBC and SF Planning Department for a discussion on how to bring Berkeley-style bike boulevards and Portland-style greenways to the streets of SF. 5:30 p.m.
- Friday: East Bay Bike Party: End of the World Ride. Bike like there's no tomorrow at this Mayan apocalypse-themed, nighttime ride through the streets of Oakland. 7:30 p.m.
- Saturday: Oakland Lake Merritt Station Area Plan Streetscape Design Open House. Help shape the future streetscapes of Downtown Oakland at this open house by providing feedback on the draft Lake Merritt Station Area Plan. 9 a.m.
Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.