From NPH:
Creating better data on place, demographics, and mobility management to unock both affordable housing and transporation.
The Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California invites you to a lively session on the link between affordable housing and transportation. Transportation is the second largest household cost after housing. Affordable housing developments too often are not recognized for the low-traffic developments that they are. Studies have found that parking is over-supplied, increasing costs to developers and reducing space for amenities for residents.
TransForm is working on collecting data on affordable projects to inform a new dynamic tool to assist with GreenTRIP certification (see called Great Access, Deep Affordability. What data can you collect? What data would help you make your case in reducing car intensive infrastructure during the planning process? Are you ready to be a partner in this work? Come hear about ways to lower the hurdles for affordable transit-oriented housing development. Developers, financiers, property management staff, transportation planners and resident services providers are encouraged to attend!
Presenter: Ann Cheng, GreenTRIP Program Director, TransForm
Click to register and get more information for this event, or to go to the NPH website on all their brown bag trainings. Lunch is provided when you purchase your ticket.