It's remarkable how much more dignified bicycling on mid-Market Street feels with the fresh coat of smooth asphalt and green paint that crews put in over the weekend. The bike lane's transformation from something like an abandoned trench to a green carpet is almost as refreshing as when it was first painted green (in fact, it's brighter now than ever).
Crews made one neat change in the configuration at Market and 10th Street: Where there used to sit an empty traffic lane blocked by a sign since the forced right turn for cars was implemented in 2009, the bike lane was shifted to the left, which provides more of a straight shot for bicycle riders as they cross the intersection and makes the removal of that traffic lane finally feel official.
It also leaves a stretch of empty curb space to the right of the bike lane -- no word yet on what that will be used for. Perhaps it's time for Twitter to build the first parklet on Market Street?