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SFCTA Board Plans and Programs Committee Meeting


Items of Note:

8. Recommend Adoption of the 19th Avenue Transit Study Final Report – ACTION* attachment   enclosure

The 19th Avenue Transit Study (Study) builds on recent planning efforts to develop plans for a west-side grade-separated (i.e. partial subway or bridge crossings of 19th Avenue) alignment of the M-Ocean View as it traverses the neighborhoods surrounding 19th Avenue in Southwest San Francisco. The purpose of the Study is to define conceptual alternatives and assess their feasibility, benefits, and impacts. The Plans and Programs Committee heard an informational update on the Study in October, 2013. Since that time, we have completed outreach and drafted the final report for the Study. We have also initiated start-up activities for the next phase of project development. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) will lead the next phase in collaboration with the Transportation Authority and the California Department of Transportation. The SFMTA’s allocation request for Prop K funds for this next phase of work is included as a separate agenda item at the March Plans and Programs Committee meeting. We are seeking a recommendation to adopt the 19th Avenue Transit Study Final Report.

9. Presentation of Draft Strategic Analysis Report on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models – INFORMATION

At the September 10, 2013 meeting of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Board, Chair Avalos requested that we initiate a strategic analysis report (SAR) to investigate possible governance structures of a regional bike sharing program beyond the current Bay Area Bike Share pilot, which opened to the public on August 29, 2013. At its November 26, 2013 meeting, the Transportation Authority Board approved the scope of work for the SAR through Resolution 14-35. The purpose of this study is to examine the strengths and tradeoffs of various organizational models for the expansion of bike sharing in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area region so that San Francisco can best achieve its goals for this emerging mode of transportation. As called for in the Transportation Authority’s adopted procedures governing the development of SARs, the draft SAR is normally first brought directly to the committee on which the requestor sits for comments and guidance. In this case, we are bringing the draft SAR to the Plans and Programs committee where Chair Avalos sits as an ex-officio member. This is an information item.

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