From Bike East Bay:

Continuous bikeways are NOT proposed for Telegraph, nor are Protected Bikeways. Come to September 11 and 13 Open Houses to voice your concerns and support our asks for ‘continuous bikeways’ that are ‘protected from moving traffic.’ People have asked for protected bikeways, to the tune of up to 70% of survey respondents and over 100 local businesses on Telegraph Avenue. Protected bikeways encourage significantly more bicycling and are feasible while still preserving traffic flow allowing for local business delivery needs.
What you can do:
1. Come to an upcoming Open House to voice your concerns and support ‘continuous protected bikeways’ on Telegraph Avenue
- Thursday, September 11, 6-8pm; Beebe Memorial Cathedral (3900 Telegraph)
- Saturday, September 13, 10am-12pm; Gogi Time Banquet Room (2600 Telegraph)
2. Review the draft recommended bikeways and contact Project Manager Jamie Parks to ask for ‘continuous protected bikeways’ on Telegraph Avenue.
Ask that next Spring’s repaving of Telegraph Avenue include a pilot project of protected bikeways, using low cost materials such as paint, flexible posts and planter boxes, just like our Protected Bikeway one-day demonstration last Bike to Work Day.
- Oakland’s Draft Plan and Recommendations:
- Oakland’s Draft Illustrative plan-view drawings of the entire study corridor: