From TransForm:
Just how different are Millennials from the Baby Boom generation?
Come learn about the transportation and community preferences of Millennials and envision how the world will look as they begin joining the decision making process.
So-called Millennials, younger adults between the ages of 18 and 30, are driving less, and many are choosing to live in different places than older cohorts. We will discuss the topic with Giovanni Circella, a postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis, who's starting a new research project focusing on the choices that younger adults are making, and the motivations behind these trends.
Chris Lepe of TransForm, Michele Beasley of Greenbelt Alliance, Adina Levin of Friends of Caltrain, will host a conversation about upcoming transportation-related decisions Silicon Valley communities will be making (such as the El Camino Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project and Precise Plans in Mountain View, Sunnyvale, and Santa Clara) where the lifestyle preferences of millennials will be an important topic for discussion. Join us, share your ideas, and tell us what you think!
Be part of this community conversation:
Nov. 18, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
LinkedIn - "Culture Club" Conference Room
2051 Stierlin Court
Mountain View CA 94043
Free event. Please RSVP Here
Food and drinks provided