From Thinkwalks:
You thought you knew the Wiggle. There’s more to know!
Yes, true, it was named the Wiggle due to the zigzag of bike route #30 through the neighborhood and avoiding hills. But how about the dunes? What of Martin Luther King? We’ll explore the ‘hood from this, that and askew angles: geology, activism history, water, native tribes, etc. There once was a spring here. Without it, the city would never have existed. There was also a green rocky mountain here. The top was chopped off—twice. In the 1960s, this unexpectedly radical neighborhood introduced a major glitch in California’s plan to pave highways everywhere. That twist created our current version of democracy.
Highlights: Market Street punched through rock, flume from San Mateo County, 1928 highway design, insanely huge floods, Yelamu village of Chutchui, old photos, linear dunes, first gay couple, black financial power, sharrows, freeway revolt, Bike Coalition history, Duboce mural, Captain Anza’s journal, photography innovations.
Thinkwalking is all about how the natural landscape determined the city’s shape. No place better to see that than the Wiggle.
☆ RSVP required
↪ Rain or shine
↪ Not vigorous exercise! You may get chilled if you forget your extra layers.
↪ End within a few blocks of where we started
↪ Maximum 15 people