Abisai May Dzul, 24, was killed while walking on an off-ramp in the “Alemany Maze," the forbidding tangle of freeway ramps where Highways 101 and 280 intersect in the southeast city. The crash occurred on Sunday at about 9 p.m., according to media reports.
Walking up the Highway 101 off-ramp at Alemany Boulevard, Dzul "had been struck by at least one car and possibly a second," the CA Highway Patrol told Bay City News. Neither of the drivers stopped.
"This Alemany interchange, like the notorious Hairball slightly to the north at Cesar Chavez, is a mess for anyone trying to walk from, say, the popular Farmers Market to catch the #9-San Bruno on Bayshore," said Fran Taylor, who helped organize CC Puede for safer streets around the "Hairball" junction at Highway 101 and Cesar Chavez.
Last year, D10 Watch author Chris Waddling wrote about the "outright hostile conditions for pedestrians and cyclists" presented by the Alemany Maze and the Hairball, noting that "neither area is currently slated for improvement in the near term." The Alemany Maze cuts off access between the Portola, Bayview, and Bernal Heights neighborhoods for people walking and biking.
The maze "is in desperate need of attention" from Caltrans and city agencies, Waddling wrote.