- Millennium Tower Residents Can Expect more Tilting (SFGate)
- Rents Still Outpace Wages (MercNews)
- More Bike Share Locations (Hoodline)
- Small Ways to Make Your City Nicer (Curbed)
- Golden Gate Bridge Traffic is a Lost Cause (SFExaminer)
- Evaluating California's CO2 Reduction Measures (KQED)
- Scoop Carpooling App Aims to Reduce Congestion (DailyJournal)
- The Wonderful Weirdos of the Cable Car Turn Around (SFGate)
- Wheels Transit Agency Looking for New Name (EastBayTimes)
- Commentary: Preservation Bill Will Held Solve Housing Crisis (SFExaminer)
- Commentary: Yes on Measure B Transportation Tax (Almanac)
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