- Caltrain Maps out Plan for Future (SFChron, MercNews)
- $100 Billion Bond for Transportation? (SFChron)
- Central Subway Contractor Dispute (SFExaminer)
- Lyft's New Rental Bikes (SFExaminer)
- Motorist Kills Pedestrian in Tenderloin (SFChron, SFGate, SFExaminer)
- San Francisco Responds to Climate Change (48Hills)
- Neighbors React to 'Safe' Parking Lot (SFChron)
- San Bruno Kills Housing Project Near Transit (SFChron)
- Portland's Effort Not to Become San Francisco (LATimes)
- Port of Oakland to Test Electric Trucks (CBSLocal)
- Commentary: Pair Transport Tax with Tough Decisions (SFChron)
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