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    • BART Stations with the Most Thefts (SFChron, SFGate)
    • The J Church is the Worst (SFGate)
    • Scooters on Fire (SFExaminer)
    • Women and the Bike Kitchen (SFChron)
    • More on Bus-Only Lane on Bay Bridge (ABC7)
    • More on Officials Demanding Ride-Hail Crash Data (PublicPress)
    • Alameda Tries to Stop Motorists from Hitting Children (EastBayTimes)
    • Bus Driver Strikes Pedestrian (MarinIJ)
    • Jack London Square's Early Days (SFChron)
    • Letter: Imagine Cycling to an A's Game Over a Bridge (MarinIJ)
    • Commentary: Transit Housing Bill Tests Legislator Sincerity (SFChron)

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