Day 7 of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of March 17 there are people infected/deaths: worldwide 195,341/7,899, U.S. 5,332/96, CA 455/11, L.A. County 144/1
Today is the second entry in a series of journal-type posts about what's happening regarding coronavirus in one SBLA editor's neck of the woods.
It's a day in, and I am already resorting to guest material! Over at Educational Examiner SBLA Founder Damien Newton compiled a very helpful trove of materials on how to explain the coronavirus to kids. My 6-year-old daughter especially liked this video:
There are lots more videos, links, and advice at the full post at Los Angeles Education Examiner.
Today's recommended reading:
- NPR Poll reveals that 18% of workers report having been laid off or having their work hours cut - with low income households hit hardest (LAT)
- In Bay Area lockdown, bicycling is OK (Streetsblog CA) but if auto repair is open, shouldn't bike repair be open, too? (Streetsblog SF)
Image of the day:
A fun visualization of rules to defeat Coronavirus - art by Noemi Gambini