- Bike Lanes, Makeover for 14th Street in Oakland (Oaklandside)
- Oakland Could Make Parklets Permanent (SFChron)
- Lake Merritt Housing Project Stalls (SFChron)
- Cost Rise on HSR Bay Area Link (SVTimes)
- Suisun City Wants to Improve Amtrak Train Depot (DailyRepublic)
- Saratoga's 'Safe Routes to School' Plan (EastBayTimes)
- Empty Home Tax Omits Houses (SFExaminer)
- Another Retailer Leaving Downtown S.F. (SFGate)
- Oaklander's Fight Against Illegal Dumping (SFChron)
- Blame Game on Oakland's Police Staffing Issues (SFChron)
- Rights of Passage in San Francisco (SFGate)
- S.F.'s Climate Apocalypse According to a Game (SFChron)
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