- Man Arrested for Muni Shooting (SFChron)
- Shooting on BART Train (SFChron)
- Motorist Kills Pedestrian on Sidewalk in East Oakland (EastBayTimes)
- Another Reckless Motorist Kills a Cyclist, in San Mateo County (SFChron)
- Motorist Tries to Beat Train in Brentwood (SFGate, SFExaminer, EastBayTimes)
- Pride Parade Returns (NBCBayArea)
- Bay Area Gas Prices Dip (NBCBayArea)
- Food Transportation and Why You Should Eat Locally (Newsweek)
- Google Invests in Historic San Jose House (SJSpotlight)
- Commentary: SMART GM Has Five Years to Fix Concerns (MarinIJ)
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