One of the good things about Mayor Gavin Newsom's obsession with putting public discourse online is the opportunity the public has to ask him a lot of questions. In this vein, Current is holding a live online video interview with California gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom about his "green" agenda and they are seeking help from the public to choose the questions they ask him.
You can go here to submit your own question and vote existing questions up or down the menu. Be sure to watch the interview Thursday, June 11th, at 12 pm PST.
Right now there are some standard boilerplate topics that he's probably prepared to answer with canned political slick. Unfortunately there are very few questions that link pollution to driving (more than 40 percent of global warming emissions in the state) and nothing that asks for broad analysis of land use, transit funding, and the need to reduce driving. There is one question about Muni, but it's all the way down at number 20 right now. Let's get it up there higher and see if we can't get some more good questions about public transit operations on the menu.
At least there's nothing about electric cars saving the planet from destruction, because that one really gets my goat.