This week, get up to date on the city's neighborhood plans, hear about the latest transit information for your cell phone, and find a Valentine who shares your love of bikes and chocolate. Here are the week's highlights:
- Monday: SFBC Phone Banking. Volunteer to phone bank with the SFBC: no cold calling, just simple reminders to lapsed SFBC members that their membership is expired. 5-8 p.m.
- Tuesday: SPUR Lunchtime Forum: Transit 2.0: A public and private perspective. Routesy's Steven Peterson will join Todd Spiekerman and Carol Kuester, who manage, to discuss the hurdles and success stories of their interactive transit planning services. 12:30 p.m.
- Tuesday: SPUR Evening Symposium: Closing the Climate Gap: perspectives on environmental justice and the Bay Area's future. Climate change could have a disproportionately severe effect on people of color and the poor. Join SPUR for a presentation by UC Berkeley's Rachel Morello-Frosch, co-author of The Climate Gap, followed by a panel discussion of what Bay Area businesses and organizations are doing to reduce the impacts of climate change. 6 p.m.
- Wednesday: SPUR Lunchtime Forum: Plans for a New Public Realm: Improving our parks, streets and plazas. In the last few years, the SF Planning Department has worked with communities to develop plans that rethink neighborhood parks, streets and plazas and how they are built and managed. Get an update from Planning on these projects. 12:30 p.m.
- Saturday: SFBC Monthly Good Road Ride: Potrero, Once Is Not Enough. Potrero bikers are especially encouraged to join and make your daily rides smoother and safer by identifying road hazards. First-timers from all over the city are always welcome. 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Sunday: Love of Chocolate Ride. Join SFBC member Robin and other cocoa-crazy cyclists for an afternoon of learning about, eating, and drinking chocolate, just in time for Valentine's Day. Happy couples as well as those hoping to meet a new Valentine are welcome. 11:30 a.m.
Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.