By 2035 there will be an estimated 1.2 million new jobs and 900,000 new households within the Bay Area. Where will all of these people live? Where will the new housing be built? How will people get around? Will the air we breathe and the water we drink be clean? Will we still be able to enjoy extensive and accessible open spaces?
Envision Bay Area, an initiative led by Silicon Valley Community Foundation in partnership with Greenbelt Alliance, TransForm and other partners, invites you to join us for one of five county forums being held this spring around the Bay Area to discuss the growth and development of our communities.
Participants in these forums will work together with a fun, interactive web-based simulation, YouChoose Bay Area, to outline priorities, choose different growth options and see future consequences. See the links between growth and the things you care deeply about, such as open space conservation, clean air, water consumption, public health, energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and access to mass transit.
Envision Bay Area has teamed up with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Association of Bay Area Governments to conduct these forums, which will be crucial to aligning transportation, land-use and housing policies to meet greenhouse gas emission reduction targets as required by state law.
Envision Bay Area is supported by funding from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation as part of its Community Information Challenge, Silicon Valley Community Foundation and other public and private sources.