Last spring, we asked for help from readers like you to keep Streetsblog San Francisco going. You answered the call in a big way and I'm happy to report that your contributions helped carry Streetsblog San Francisco through another successful year. Streetsblog is a powerful force for change thanks to our readers, and we're counting on you to step up again to ensure that we continue to provide high-impact coverage.
We need your support to make Streetsblog San Francisco an even stronger voice for a more livable San Francisco. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation of $50, $100, $1,000 or whatever you can to elevate this important platform for making our city more livable.
Streetsblog San Francisco's drumbeat of pedestrian, bicycle and transit stories have helped keep important sustainable transportation issues on the radar of policy makers, many of whom have told us they rely on Streetsblog for coverage. A few examples of our impact over the last year:
- Our critical stories on pedestrian safety issues helped move the Mayor's Office to adopt targets and dates for reducing pedestrian injuries and deaths. “The Streetsblog article helped move all of us along, gave us goals to reach with the Executive Directive, and added voices to the call for improved pedestrian safety,” said Cheryl Brinkman of the SFMTA Board of Directors.
- Our interview with the Mayor in January elevated the discussion on protected bikeways on Fell and Oak Streets. Working with bike advocates, the SFMTA is currently planning a trial protected bikeway on three blocks of Fell Street.
- The SFMTA is working to speed up funding for improvements on Masonic Boulevard after another Streetsblog interview with the Mayor.
- Streetsblog has provided critical and comprehensive coverage of the need to reform parking policy, and Level of Service (LOS) standards, something mainstream media outlets rarely cover.
We can’t do this kind of high-impact advocacy journalism without your support. Please consider a donation to Streetsblog San Francisco today, and help us raise $25,000 by June 30th.
Thank you!