- NoPa Neighbors Plant More Than 20 Squares of Sidewalk on Turk and Lyon (Bike NoPa)
- SF Examiner Debates the Efficacy of Bicycle Helmets
- Man Vs. Muni: SF Examiner's Will Reisman Races the N-Judah
- Driver Crashes Into Residential Garage in Daly City (SF Examiner)
- Golden Gate Bridge to Add Sidewalk Striping to Guide Bicyclists & Peds (SF Gate Bay Bikers)
- BART Celebrates 60 Years of Bay Area Transit (CBS 5)
- Chicago Completes Its First Protected Cycle Track (Chicago Tribune)
- SMART Train 'On Track,' but Costs Rise and Start Likely to be Delayed (Marin IJ)
- NorCal Farming Family Loves Taking Public Transit Around LA (LAT)
- Critics Call for Abolishing Carpool Lanes, Mercury News' Roadshow Defends Them
- Back-seat Driver: Believe It or Not, California Driving is Safer Than Ever (SacBee)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill