Explore the San Francisco Bay Trail in Richmond on Saturday, May 26:
- 10 AM - Grand Opening of the new Visitor Education Center for Rosie the Riveter WWII/Home Front National Historical Park in the Oil House of the Ford Assembly Building on the Bay Trail between Lucretia Edwards Park and Harbour Way South
- Noon - Sandwiches and beverages served at the cafeteria building for historic Kaiser Shipyard 3 on Canal Blvd. courtesy of the Port of Richmond.
- 1 PM - Grand Opening of Shipyard 3 section of San Francisco Bay Trail.
- 1:30 PM - Walking and biking parade along the two-mile Shipyard 3 Trail visiting scenic overlooks with interpretive exhibits en route to the SS Red Oak Victory, which will have an open house with free tours and complimentary valet bicycle parking
Please RSVP to or telephone 510-215-4600 if attending the Shipyard 3 Trail celebration, so that plans may be made to provide sufficient food and beverages.