- Transit Fare Hikes Go into Effect Around the Bay this Sunday (SF Examiner)
- 17 Percent of AC Transit Buses Out of Service During BART Shutdown (The Bay Citizen)
- St. Luke's Hospital Deal Stalled Over CPMC Escape Clause (City Insider)
- Citizens Petition to Bring Ballot Referendum on 8 Washington Project (SFBG)
- Hayeswire: Which Dangerous Intersection Scares You Most?
- EPA Study Explains Link Between Smog and Heart Problems (Bay Citizen)
- National Park Service Ferry from SF Could Serve Muir Woods, Marin Headlands (MarinIJ)
- Cyclelicious Explores the Idea of Transit Tourism for Santa Cruz
- SF Weekly Has a Few Other Ideas for the SFMTA's New Logo
- Uncertain Bay Area Population Predictions Complicate Smart-Growth Planning (SF Public Press)
- Bike/Ped Funding Still Uncommitted in Federal Transpo Bill (SFGate)
- SFGate: Parking on the Sidewalk to Avoid Street Cleaning is Part of Being "a Real San Franciscan"
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill