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ENUF Delays Mission Parking Meters by Protesting the Wrong Ordinance

The Eastern Neighborhoods United Front, a group publicly represented by resident Mari Eliza, apparently turned out enough speakers and letters to postpone the approval of parking meters requested by merchants in the Mission at a hearing Friday.

Mari Eliza, as illustrated by San Francisco Magazine (## format issue here##).

But in what appears to be a misinterpretation of the hearing notice, Eliza called on residents to protest Order #5176, which is simply the mandate to post notices about the public hearing. Apparently, Eliza fixated on this phrase at the top of the hearing notices posted on poles in the neighborhood, and the people who responded repeated her error.

Up for approval at the hearing were about 80 parking meters requested by merchants in the eastern Mission, an initial step in the SFMTA's efforts to manage parking demand and reduce the amount of drivers circling the neighborhood for a spot. The hearing officers reportedly postponed the approval of the meters after being convinced that the hearing wasn't publicized clearly enough for residents to understand.

Eliza sent out an email declaring victory against Order #5176. Here's her interpretation of the outcome:

NE Mission won a reprieve at the hearing!

Thanks to everyone who sent letters and comments re: Order 5176. The hearing officers agreed with everyone that there is no point in rushing a decision on installing spot parking meters in our neighborhood. NOT ONE PERSON other than SFMTA staff showed up to request the meters. Three businesses said no to spot metering.

Eliza won a Streetsie Award last year for making the most absurd argument against SFpark meters. After receiving the news that SFpark is, on balance, saving motorists money, she told the SF Examiner in December 2012, "Personally, I’m perfectly happy with the old meters. That’s how I use up all my spare change."

As of press time, decision-makers at the SFMTA are still taking her seriously.

Here's a scan of the notice that ENUF organized against, via Eliza's blog:


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